On this path, I work with a number of therapists and clinicians on a comprehensive professional level, so I do know many outstanding service providers first-hand. As a result, the opportunity to share these referrals with clients is part of the service I provide. Nevertheless, there are times when folks are just needing a “lead”, someone they can trust during comprehensive searches for the best support for one’s child. Call us or write us when you are seeking a concierge – referral service and we will be able to provide you the “insiders” perspective for your search. We are one extra call but it may save you many more!
“When we are searching for answers, often, it’s a matter
of who you know not always what you know.”
Call or write today so we can help connect you with the best resources in your area:
Clinical Therapists
Credit / Tutoring Support Services
Private & Non-Public Agency Schools
Speech & Language
Other service providers
The Fundamentals: (Click the bold title)
The following resources may be highly technical, nevertheless, I frequently share these with clients for the information is straight-forward; all about IEP and 504 Plans. The federal resources are highlighted and WA State references are provided for an example; almost all of the states use similar texts.
Acronyms: Learning the Language of Education (Credit: Center for Parent Information and Resources)
504 PLANS:
2016: Federal Guidelines: 504 Plan Update
User Friendly IEP/IDEA GUIDE [Federal Govt]
Notice of Special Education PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS : Check out “Independent Education Evaluation”, “Citizens Complaint”, and “Mediation” …
One of the best resources related to Special Education law anywhere … the “Pop-Up” resource is a fantastic place to start for parents.
COPAA: Council of Professional Attorneys and Advocates:
Another excellent resource for parents when searching for advocacy and legal assistance. Also, this site provides updates on legal issues related to Special Education. I have been a member since 2000.
Organizations / Resources:
Autism: https://washingtonautismadvocacy.org/
ADD/ADHD: https://www.additudemag.com/
Cerebral Palsy: https://www.cerebralpalsyguide.com/community/special-education/
Resources via Intelligent .com:
- https://www.intelligent.com/create-a-study-plan/
- https://www.intelligent.com/study-smart-before-exams/
- https://www.intelligent.com/take-effective-notes/
- https://www.intelligent.com/manage-your-stress/
- https://www.intelligent.com/use-test-taking-strategies-on-exam-day/