“All of life is education and everybody is a teacher and everybody is forever a pupil.” Abraham Maslow
Within the context of advocacy and behavior, understanding one another, serves as the foundation for our work. And due the nature of the human condition, within the context of complex systems, such as parenting, teaching. and school administration, the intention of this work is to maximize understanding leading to collaboration, and eradicate conflict. As a result, the third component of my practice highlights consultation. Specifically, working as a valued resource for parents and school districts, consultation services are contracted as a separate entity from advocacy work, serving in a confidential platform.
Creating a bridge between schools and parents, our work together highlights a full range of issues including Special Education, Discipline, and General Education. Most notably, the following themes may be focused within this work:
1. IEP & 504 Plans; development, implementation, and monitoring
2. Behavior including Functional Behavior / BIP development, including Positive Behavior Supports and MTSS systems
3. Special Education; including identification, evaluation, and intervention processes
4. Universal Design for Learning; highlighting an equitable platform for ALL students through a wide-range of engagement and expression of learning
The purpose of this work supports collaboration, partnership, and creates a platform for understanding across all stakeholders including staff, administration, and parents.
Due to the depth of my experience, I have worn many hats within the public school system including: Conflict Resolution Ombudsman, Elementary Principal, District Highly Capable Coordinator, Behavior Specialist, Special Education Director and since 1998, serving as an Education Consultant and Advocate. As a result of a well rounded perspective, I am confident that our work together will support learning, understanding, collective insight, and collaboration for all; assuring the organization or team is moving forward united.
For more information, contact Larry directly.