Let’s talk about Coaching: Helping others …

Are you wanting to take advocacy to the next step?  Maybe you have been working on the “inside” as a school psychologist, resource room teacher, or special education director and you feel “It’s time to work on the other side of the table”.   I always say, “No parent should ever go it alone” when it comes to the IEP and Section 504 process.  So your next calling may be through education advocacy for your desire to serve others may be founded upon years of experience and now you are ready to work directly with parents.   

This may a great time to consider working the

parent side of the table for there so many kids who

need your support.

  • Simply; this is your opportunity to work with an experienced advocate in support of your own education consulting practice.  Our mentorship and coaching support provides educators and parents on a transitional path from one side of the special education table to the other.  This is an excellent opportunity to grow your business as well as your advocacy tool kit.  And in doing so, we are able to help more families successfully navigate the special needs maze.  As a former Special Education Director, Principal, Instructional Coach, and Trainer, plus over 20 years as an Education Advocate, my extensive experience runs deep across all areas of the advocacy / consulting process.

  • Initially, our path will likely take on a number of directions through coaching, for the alchemy between us is unique to our our experiences and however, the process will build upon YOUR DREAM, YOUR PASSION, and YOUR VISION in service to others in need of education advocacy support.  

  • Most notably, your success as an advocate will be founded upon what you already know, your in-depth experience, and the ever-expanding tool kit you will develop over time on your own clock.

  • In the meantime, I will bring to the process an empowering philosophy highlighted within the book, Love, Understanding, and Other Best Practices [Amazon] as well as an insightful understanding of the mentor relationship.*

“People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves …” Oliver Goldsmith

*I do recommend you read Love, Understanding, And Other Best Practices before we move forward on this adventure for it will set the tone in our work together.