It’s time for a new perspective to unfold within today’s public schools, especially when addressing the needs of exceptional kids. Staff, parents, and students are expected to do so much with so little: As a result, a divide has developed between home and school due to unnecessary stress, fear, and a general sense of discouragement felt on both sides. “Love, Understanding, and Other Best Practices” provides a transformative shift for educators and parents through mutual understanding, evidence-guided decisions, and strength-based intervention. As IEP and 504 Plan processes unfold within the framework of the promise found within every child, creativity, innovation, and inspiration unlock the doors to greater success than ever before. Due to this shift, the experience moves from a maze with endless twists and turns, to a transparent process guided by collaboration.
Take notice: Due to the complex nature of kids today, with ADHD, Autism, and other neurological mysteries unfolding at epidemic levels, we have no choice; a new paradigm needs to support our educational system, and most importantly, support our kids. Let love, understanding, and other best practices be your guide!