The “Insider’s Guide” provides a parent-friendly toolkit within IEP or 504 Plan meetings as you represent yourself. For so many parents, the education advocacy path may be one of the most difficult challenges one faces. This handbook proves to be most valuable as you move the dialog from an emotionally charged conversation to an evidence-based decision process. By doing so, you will take control of your child’s IEP or 504 Plan: “Insider”  guidance by an expert Advocate, former Administrator, and Program Coordinator will guide you step by step through effective strategies and essential information.  

The “Insiders Guide” provides you the fundamentals in a step by step process so you can take lead as your child’s advocate. Go to your next meeting knowing what to say, what to ask, and how to take charge!

You will be empowered through knowledge and confidence due to your preparation. It will be like having the expertise of an experienced advocate on your side!  I have been implementing these successful strategies since 1998. Simply, the complex nature of ADD/ADHD, anxiety, Autism, depression, and other Learning Disabilities significantly impacts your child’s success at school and requires parent advocacy beyond what you are ready for or prepared for.